About Stockport Neighbourhood Watch

Protecting the people of Stockport

Stockport Neighbourhood Watch is a not for profit organisation designed to support and protect residents in our local area. It's our mission to create a safer, stronger and more connected community for the 30,000 people living in Stockport.

We support Stockport Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators as they form a community of local Members willing to look out for their neighbours, building an inclusive and resilient society. Together, we advocate causes that improve the quality of life for Stockport residents and bring neighbours together.

Our community Members take action to prevent crime - and the fear of crime - by protecting themselves, their property and their communities. By working closely with the police and council, we identify and meet the needs of our communities while protecting those who are vulnerable and at risk of harm.

Neighbourhood Watch
Interested in joining a scheme?

Our Values


We aspire to be good neighbours


We bring people together


We are welcoming to all people


We are active within communities, and relevant within today's world


We are dependable, caring, respectable, approachable and supportive


We work as a team, in partnerships and within communities

We have Neighbourhood Watch schemes in the following areas

Stockport Neighbourhood Watch Areas Map

Meet our Committee Members

Michele Minett

Michele Minett


I am a retired Computer Services Management Consultant. My skills were in project management and process engineering. I have been involved with running a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme since 1993, when it was known as Home Watch. I am based in Davenport.

I attended the inaugural meeting of the Stockport Neighbourhood Watch Association and was extremely keen to see it take up the support and coordination role for local schemes which had been missing for some time. This ultimately led to my volunteering my services as Assistant Treasurer and then taking over as Treasurer in January 2020.

Philip Handscomb

Philip Handscomb


I worked as an electronic engineer, mainly as a test engineer in the manufacturing industry, on a contract basis so as a consultant. But I have now taken early retirement. I'm from the South but settled here in Stockport after university.

I'm a keen cyclist. I'm a volunteer in 2 charities, one runs a community boat, named Mary Sunley, on the canal near Poynton where I act as "mate" on the boat trips, the other, Seedstudios, an arts & well-being organisation in Trafford where I am the treasurer. 

I started helping out SNWA in January 2023 by updating the weekly crime statistics and was elected to Chairman in April.

Paul Stoddard

Paul Stoddard

Hi I'm Paul Stoddard,  I recently got elected as new Vice Chair of SNWA . 
My knowledge and passion for Neighbourhood Watch are both equal in size . I've lived in Stockport most of my life.  Living in Edgeley itself the last 18 years..
My experience of working along side law enforcement and security services also covers many years.  
I was involved with SNWA over 3 years ago , but due to illness had  brief break . Thanks to my recent Election plus thanks to my previous involvement with the SNWA, I've got a large amount of knowledge.  Which I'm hoping with be of great help.  
I'm also both ex security Sargeant and Martial arts teacher.  I have advised many on security methods and Techniques.  As well as Self Protection/ Defence..
I look forward to helping the committee take the SNWA forward . 
Jennifer Babcock

Jennifer Babcock

Hello, I am Jennifer Babcock the SNWA Secretary and Communications (media, Facebook etc)

I also run the Bredbury Redrow Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, I have been working with SNWA since 2022 taking on the Secretary role in 2023, my aim is to educate and help move the Association forward with the committee.


In my current day job, I manage several IT service desks across Europe for the library sector and have had several customer facing people centric roles in the past, learning and development are very much areas of interest for me.


With my ‘free’ time I look after my rescue dogs and my non rescue ones (4 in total plus a cat). I’m an avid reader and can be also found hunting for interesting content for the SNWA Facebook page.

We have over 300 volunteer coordinators all running local schemes - too many to fit on the page!
If you're interested in starting your own scheme, please click here.
If you would like to learn more about the volunteering opportunities with the Stockport Neighbourhood Watch Association, please click here.
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