Stockport Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator

What is a Stockport Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator?

A Coordinator oversees their local scheme, acting as a central pivot for their area. There are no hard and fast rules over the number of homes involved - the average tends to be around 10-20 houses. The area's geography might also decide for you!

Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators help build a community of Members who are willing to look out for one another, creating a safer, stronger and more connected community. Each scheme is different as it's designed to run that community's specific needs.

Use the postcode search function on the National Neighbourhood Watch website to see if there's already a Neighbourhood Watch scheme in your local area.
If there is, you can become a Member of this existing scheme. If there isn't a scheme in your area yet, you can register your interest and start your own.

Neighbourhood Watch
Find Your Nearest Scheme

Typical activities of a Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator:

  • Contact local residents and ask if they’re interested in becoming a Member of your scheme, helping to improve your local area.
  • Act as a point of contact with residents, your local policing team, other local Coordinators and partners to share relevant information with Members and solve problems where there are community concerns.
  • Organise Stockport Neighbourhood Watch meetings with your Members.
  • Get to know your neighbours and help look after those who are vulnerable or isolated, and ensure information reaches them.
  • Encourage Members to keep an eye on each other’s homes and possessions, report suspicious incidents and criminal/ anti-social behaviour to the police or local authority.
  • Promote personal responsibility for community safety by sharing crime prevention information and encourage Members to improve their home, online and personal security.
  • As a scheme Coordinator, you may wish to do more and arrange events or other local activities to bring your neighbours together and help tackle local issues of concern.